Pervasive Systems Centre Electrocnic and Computer Systems, University of Southampton


Run the demo scenario

Note: This guide assumes that you have successfully installed OMNeT++ and SUMO, and both tools are installed at "C:\Users\user\scr".  Do not process with this guide if you yet to import StreetlightSim into OMNeT++.

Step 1:  Run the is a handy script  from Veins, which can be found in StreetlightSim/AdditionalTools.  In an OMNeT++ MinGW command window, run the command "../ -vv -c /c/Users/user/src/sumo-0.15.0/bin/sumo.exe"

Step 2:  Select Executable for StreetlightSim

If this is your first attempt to run the demo scenario, OMNeT++ will prompt the "Select Executable" dialog box.  Make sure that StreetlightSim is selected.

Final Step:  Select the demo scenario

There are several ways to run the demo scenario.  First, select Run -> Run from the menu bar or click "run" button from the toolbar and the "Set up an Inifile Configuration" dialog box will pop out.  Select one of the available configurations from "Config name" drop down list then click the "OK" button.

Alternately, demo scenario can be selected using "Run Configurations" dialog box which can found at Run -> Run Configurations from the menu bar

Run Configurations